
FFVA Resources


FFVA offers a listing of industry-related associations, marketing sites, agricultural statistics, food safety information, rules and regulations and educational resources within the links below.

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Produce associations and marketing sites

Fresh From Florida

Dispute Resolution Corp.

U.S. – Canada Grower Priority Database 

International Fresh Produce Association: The IFPA represents companies from every segment of the global fresh produce and floral supply chain. 

Western Growers AssociationWestern Growers Association provides growers of fresh produce in California and Arizona with support programs. Site includes produce price indices, industry news and more.

Florida Citrus MutualFlorida Citrus Mutual publishes fruit prices, economic statistics and trend stories to help grower members run their businesses more efficiently and effectively. Site features canker updates, calendar of events and news clips.

Florida Tomato CommitteeEverything you need to know about Florida tomatoes - even recipes.

Florida Strawberry Growers Association: The Florida Strawberry Growers Association has more than 100 grower members representing over 8,000 acres of strawberries in Florida, the majority of which are in the Plant City-Dover area. 

National Potato Promotion Board: The National Potato Promotion USPB was one of the first commodity groups to promote its product "generically" and to develop a nutrition label approved by the USDA and FDA. Site features consumer and foodservice potato recipes, chef profiles and nutritional and historical information on the potato.

New Varieties Development and Management Corporation (NVDMC)NVDMC supports new variety development research in Florida to provide Florida citrus growers unique and high value varieties for fresh and processed uses. NVDMC also serves as the licensing agent for domestic and international public and private varieties, providing growers and nurseries access to proprietary fresh fruit varieties, while also introducing citrus varieties for commercial growers to trial through the FAST TRACK program with the University of Florida and early evaluation opportunities with selections developed by the USDA Agricultural Research Service.

CropLife AmericaACPA promotes the environmentally sound use of crop protection products for the economical production of safe, high quality, abundant food, fiber and other crops. Site describes programs, issues and events.

Agriculture Communicators of FloridaThe Agriculture Communicators of Florida combines the expertise of communications professionals representing Florida's major agricultural organizations to provide a unified, credible information source for journalists and the public.

National Agri-Marketing Association: Provides agri-marketing professionals access to solutions and opportunities through contacts, knowledge, and skills in the agriculture, food, and fiber industry

Florida Ag in the ClassroomFlorida Ag in the Classroom, Inc. is a non-profit organization working to develop agricultural curricula and materials, distribute materials and teach teachers to use these curricula and materials to educate Florida's youth about agriculture. 

Florida Specialty Crop Foundation: Florida Specialty Crop Foundation, a nonprofit subsidiary of FFVA, works to support research and educational activities that benefit Florida’s fruit and vegetable producers and farmworker families. The mission of the Florida Specialty Crop Foundation is to benefit the general public through initiatives that provide solutions to challenges facing specialty crop producers and their stakeholders.

Sunshine Sweet Corn Farmers of Florida: This site provides educational and promotional information regarding fresh Florida sweet corn.

The Alliance for Food & Farming: The mission of the Alliance for Food and Farming is to provide a voice for farmers to communicate their commitment to food safety and care for the land. The Alliance's website also promotes 'facts, not fears' when it comes to education on food safety.

Growing Matters: Stories, facts and expert research outlining the key issues around crop production and plant protection – and easy ways for you to make your voice heard in support.

The Food Institute: The Food Institute is a non-profit organization that provides objective and balanced coverage of food trends, food policy and key issues in food, on a daily basis.

Florida Farm to School ProgramFlorida’s Farm to School initiative allows students to gain access to healthy, local foods as well as education opportunities such as school gardens, cooking lessons and farm field trips.

GMO Answers: GMO Answers is an initiative committed to responding to questions about how food is grown. Its goal is to make information about GMOs in food and agriculture easier to access and understand. GMO Answers is funded by the members of The Council for Biotechnology Information.


Federal crop insurance information

U.S. Disaster Programs OverviewThe U.S. Department of Agriculture offers several permanently authorized programs to help farmers recover financially from a natural disaster, including Federal Crop Insurance, the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP), Emergency Disaster Loans, Emergency Livestock and Fisheries Assistance, and Biomass Crop Assistance, most of which are contingent upon issuance of a USDA Emergency Disaster Declaration. The federal crop insurance program is designed to protect crop producers from unavoidable risks associated with adverse weather, and weather-related plant diseases and insect infestations. View the disaster assistance programs at a glance here

USDA Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance ProgramUSDA's Farm Service Agency's Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) provides financial assistance to producers of noninsurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory or prevented planting occur due to natural disasters.

Disaster information and satellite images


Ag weather sites


National weather sites


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Food safety resources

Extension and training resources

Food recall resources

 Ag Water resources

Federal legislative and regulatory
  • Library of CongressLegislative information from the Library of Congress.
  • Federal RegisterPublished by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.
  • is a tool by Civic Impulse, LLC to help the public research and track the activities in the U.S. Congress, promoting and innovating government transparency and civic education through novel uses of technology.
  • 2018 Farm BillU.S. Senate Agriculture Committee.
  • Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance: A national coalition of more than 200 organizations. The alliance was established to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crop agriculture and improve the health of Americans by broadening the scope of U.S. agricultural public policy.

State legislative and regulatory


Water and natural resources



Water Management Districts






UF/IFASThe University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is a federal, state, and local government partnership dedicated to education, research and extension.


UF/IFAS ExtensionUF/IFAS Extension encompasses thousands of extension faculty members, scientists, educators, administrative staff, and volunteers, all working to provide solutions for your life.

Center for Public Issues Education: The PIE Center examines how people think about, form, and act on opinions regarding complex agricultural and natural resources issues.


Crop protections/pesticide resources


Operation Cleansweep


Operation Cleansweep offers free statewide pesticide disposal up to 1,000 pounds. This annual pesticide collection program provides a safe way to dispose of canceled, suspended and unusable product and is available to farms, groves, greenhouses, nurseries, golf courses and pest control services. View the 2018 fiier for details on how to schedule a pickup and fill out the form.


Email for questions and additional information.



Ag stats and facts

Florida agriculture has a compelling story to tell. It’s important to share our story and show how critical agriculture is to our economy and the health and well-being of American consumers. Be sure to use the hashtags #FloridaAgriculture and #FortheLoveofAg when sharing ag facts on social media.



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