Crop Protection

Crop Protection

Crop Protection


Essential Tools

No other grower organization offers more expertise on crop protection than Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association. FFVA defends essential product registrations and works to foster governmental and regulatory policies that keep essential crop protection tools available for growers.

Third Party Registrations

Third Party Registrations, Inc., an FFVA subsidiary, provides resources for making critical labels available exclusively to FFVA growers. Without this popular service, these important registrations likely would not be possible. TPR actively holds labels in brassicas, root vegetables, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, cucurbits and celery. View more about TPR's services here.

Section 18 Exemptions

As well as materials covered under TPR, FFVA seeks Section 18 exemptions on crop protection materials for vegetables, citrus, legume vegetables and blueberries when emergency conditions make it necessary. For more information about FFVA's Industry Resources Division or Third Party Registrations Inc., call 321-214-5200 or send an email


Florida growers are represented by FFVA on advisory and regulatory committees at the federal, state and regional levels. Staff also serve in leadership roles on advisory groups as diverse as the Minor Crop Farmer Alliance, the Produce Safety Alliance, and the U.S.-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council.

Spring Regulatory Tour

 FFVA excels at outreach to regulators whose decisions have wide-ranging effects on Florida agriculture. Its annual Spring Regulatory Tour for state and federal regulatory officials exposes them to production practices, fostering a better appreciation for the challenges that producers face.

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